Mechanical Engineering
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Published Papers
Journal Publications
1. Ali, H. M. and Briggs, A. (2012), Condensation of R-113 on Pin-Fin Tubes: Effect of Circumferential Pin Thickness and Spacing, Vol. 33, Issue 3, Pages 205-212, Heat Transfer Engineering.
2. Ali, H. M. and Briggs, A. (2012), Condensation of ethylene glycol on Pin-Fin Tubes: Effect of Circumferential Pin Thickness and Spacing, Vol. 49, Pages 9-13, Applied Thermal Engineering.
3. Ali, H. M. and Briggs, A. (2012), Enhanced Condensation of ethylene glycol on Pin-Fin Tubes: Effect of Pin Geometry, Vol. 134, 011503, ASME J. of Heat Transfer.
4. Ali, H. M. and Briggs, A. (2013), Condensation Heat Transfer on Pin-Fin Tubes: Effect of Thermal Conductivity and Pin Height, Vol. 60, Pages 465-471, Applied Thermal Engineering.
5. Ali, H. M. and Briggs, A. (2014), An investigation of Condensate Retention on Pin-Fin Tubes, Vol. 63, Issue 2, Page 503-510, Applied Thermal Engineering.
6. Ali, H. M. and Briggs, A. (2015), A Semi-Empirical Model for Free-Convection Condensation on Horizontal Pin-Fin Tubes, Vol. 81, Page 157-166, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
7. Jajja, S.A., Ali, W. Ali, H. M. and Siddiqui, A.M. (2014), Water Cooled Minichannel Heat Sinks for Microprocessor Cooling: Effect of Fin Spacing, Vol. 64, Page 76-82, Applied Thermal Engineering.
8. Bashir, M.A, Ali, H. M., Khalil, S, Ali, M. and Siddiqui, A.M. (2014), Comparison of Performance Measurements of Photovoltaic Modules during Winter Months in Taxila, Pakistan, Vol. 2014, Article ID 898414, International Journal of Photoenergy.
9. Ali, H. M. and Abubaker, M. (2014), Effect of Vapour Velocity on Condensate Retention on Horizontal Pin-Fin Tubes, Vol. 86, Page 1001-1009, Energy Conversion and Management.
10. Ali, H. M. and Ali, A. (2014), Measurements and Semi-Empirical Correlation for Condensate Retention on Horizontal Integral-Fin Tubes: Effect of Vapour Velocity, Vol. 71, Issue 1, Page 24-33, Applied Thermal Engineering.
11. Ali, H. M., Bhatti, A. I. and Ali, M., (2015), An Experimental Investigation of Performance of a Double Pass Solar Air Heater with Thermal Storage Medium, Vol. 19, Issue 5, Page 1699-1708, J. Thermal Science.
12. Ali, M., Vukovic, V., Sheikh, M. A. and Ali, H. M. (2015), Enhancement and Integration of Desiccant Evaporative Cooling System Model under Transient Operating Conditions, Vol. 75, Page 1093-1105, Applied Thermal Engineering.
13. Ali, H. M., Ali, H., Liaquat, H., Maqsood, H. T. B. and Nadir, M. A. (2015), Experimental Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer Augmentation for Car Radiator using Zno-Water Nanofluids, Vol. 84, Page 317-324, Energy.
14. Ali, M., Vukovic, V., Sheikh, M. A. and Ali, H. M. (2015), Performance Investigation of Solid Desiccant Evaporative Cooling System Configurations in Different Climatic Zones, Vol. 97, Page 323-339, Energy Conversion and Management.
15. Ali, H. M. and Qasim, M. Z. (2015), Free Convection Condensation of Steam on Horizontal Wire Wrapped Tubes: Effect of Wire Thermal Conductivity, Pitch and Diameter, Vol. 90, Page 207-214, Applied Thermal Engineering.
16. Ali, H. M. and Abubaker, M. (2015), Effect of Circumferential Pin Thickness on Condensate Retention as a Function of Vapor Velocity on Horizontal Pin-Fin Tubes, Vol. 91, Page 245-251, Applied Thermal Engineering.
17. Ali, H. M., Azhar, M. D., Saleem, M., Saeed, Q. S and Saieed, A. (2015), Heat Transfer Enhancement of Car Radiator Using Aqua Based Magnesium Oxide Nanofluids, Vol. 19, Issue 6, Page 2039-2048, J. Thermal Science.
18. Ali, H. M. and Arshad, W. (2015), Thermal Performance Investigation of Staggered and Inline Pin Fin Heat Sinks using Water Based Rutile and Anatase TiO2 nanofluids, Vol. 106, Page 793-803, Energy Conversion and Management.
19. Bashir, M.A, Ali, H. M., Ali, M. and Siddiqui, A.M. (2015), An Experimental Investigation of Performance of Photovoltaic Modules in Pakistan, Vol. 19, Issue Suppl. 2, Page 525-534, J. Thermal Science.
20. Ali, M, Ali, H. M., Moazzam, W and Saeed, M.B (2015), Performance enhancement of PV cells through micro-channel cooling, Vol. 3(4), Page 699-710, AIMS Energy.
21. Ali, H. M., Mahmood, M, Bashir, M.A, Ali, M. and Siddiqui, A.M. (2016), Outdoor Testing of Photovoltaic Modules during Summer in Taxila, Pakistan, Vol. 20, Issue 1, Page 165-173, J. Thermal Science.
22. Khalid, O., Ali, M., Sheikh, N. A., Ali, H. M. and Manzoor, M. S. (2016), Experimental Analysis of An Improved Maisotsenko Cycle Design under Low Velocity Conditions, Vol. 95, Page 288-295, Applied Thermal Engineering.
23. Ali, H. M., Qasim, M. Z. and Ali, M. (2016), Free Convection Condensation Heat Transfer of Steam on Horizontal Square Wire Wrapped Tubes, Vol. 98, Page 350-358, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
24. Guo, H., Ali, H. M. and Hassanzadeh, A., (2016), Simulation Study of Flat-Sheet Air Gap Membrane Distillation Modules coupled with an Evaporative Crystallizer for Zero Liquid Discharge Water Desalination, Vol. 108, Page 486-501, Applied Thermal Engineering.
25. Ali, H. M. and Arshad, W. (2017), Effect of Channel Angle of Pin-Fin Heat Sink on Heat Transfer Performance using Water based Graphene Nanoplatelets Nanofluids, Vol. 106, Page 465-472, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
26. Arshad, A., Ali, H. M., Ali, M. and Manzoor, S., (2017), Thermal Performance of Phase Change Material (PCM) based Pin-Finned Heat sinks for Electronics Devices: Effect of Pin Thickness and PCM Volume Fraction, Vol. 112, Page 143-155, Applied Thermal Engineering.
27. Ali, H. M.(2017), An Analytical Model for Prediction of Condensate Flooding on Horizontal Pin-fin Tubes, Vol. 106, Page 1120-1124, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
28. Arshad, W. and Ali, H. M. (2017), Graphene nanoplatelets nanofluids thermal and hydrodynamic performance on integral fin heat sink, Vol. 107, Page 995-1001, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
29. Ali, H. M., Generous, M. M., Ahmad, F. and Irfan, M., (2017), Experimental Investigation of Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement of TiO2-Water based Nanofluids, Vol. 113, Page 1146-1151, Applied Thermal Engineering.
30. Ali, H., Kamran, M. S., Ali, H. M. Imran, S., Farukh, F., and Wang, H. S., (2017), Marangoni Condensation of Steam-Ethanol Mixtures on a Horizontal Low-Finned Tube, Vol. 117, Page 366-375, Applied Thermal Engineering.
31. Khan, S. A., Ali, M., Shehryar, M., Tanzeel-Ur-Rashid, Khalil, M. S., Ali, H. M. and Gilani, S. I., (2017) Performance Analysis of a Low Capacity Solar Tower Water Heating System in Climate of Pakistan, Vol. 143, Page 84-99, Energy and Buildings.
32. Arshad, W. and Ali, H. M. (2017), Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in a Straight Minichannel Heat Sink with TiO2 Nanofluid, Vol. 110, Page 248-256, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
33. Ali, H. M. and Arshad, A., (2017), Experimental investigation of n-eicosane based circular pin-fin heat sinks for passive cooling of electronic devices, Vol. 112, Page 649-661, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
34. Ali, H. M., Zafar, M.A, Bashir, M.A, Nasir, M. A., Ali, M. and Siddiqui, A.M. (2017), Effect of Dust Deposition on the Performance of Photovoltaic Modules in Taxila, Pakistan, Vol. 21 (2), Page 915-923, J. Thermal Science.
35. Ashraf, M. J., Ali, H. M., Usman, H. and Arshad, A., (2017), Experimental passive electronics cooling: parametric investigation of pin-fin geometries and efficient phase change materials, Vol. 115 (B), Page 251-263, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
36. Iqbal, M. H., Ali, M., Sheikh, N. A., Ali, H.M. and Manzoor, M. S. (2017), Performance Investigation of Air Velocity Effects on PV Modules under Controlled Conditions, Vol. 2017, Article ID 3829671 (10 Pages), International Journal of Photoenergy.
37. Rana, K., Manzoor, S., Sheikh, N. A., Ali, M. and Ali, H. M., (2017), Gust Response of a Rotating Circular Cylinder in the Vortex Suppression Regime, Vol. 115 (B), Page 763-776, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
38. Ali, A. M., Arshad, W., Ali, H. M., Ali, M. and Nasir, M. A. (2017), Evaluation of Nanofluids Performance for Simulated Microprocessor, Vol 21 (5), pages 2227-2236, J. Thermal Science.
39. Ali, H., Hayat, N., Farukh, F., Imran, S. and Ali, H. M. (2017), Key design features of multi glazed windows: A Review, Vol. 21, Issue 6B, Page 2673-2687, J. Thermal Science.
40. Amber, K. P., Ali, H. M., Aslam, M. W., Kousar, A., Ikram, F., Ahmad, Z. and Hussain, S. K. (2018), Heating and Cooling Degree-Days Maps for Pakistan, 2018, 11(1), 94; doi: 10.3390/en11010094, Energies.
41. Mahbubul, I. M., Khan, M. M. A., Ibrahim, N. I., Ali, H. M., Saidur, R. and Al-Sulaiman, F. A., (2018), Carbon nanotube nanofluid in enhancing the efficiency of evacuated tube solar collector, Vol. 121, Page 36-44, Renewable Energy.
42. Arshad, A., Ali, H. M., Khushnood, S. and Jabbal, M., (2018), Experimental investigation of PCM based round pin-fin heat sinks for thermal management of electronics: Effect of pin-fin diameter, Vol. 117, Page 861-872, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
43. Ali, M., Sheikh, N. A., Khalid, O., Manzoor, S. and Ali, H. M., (2018), Parametric Investigation of a Counter-Flow Heat and Mass Exchanger based on Maisotsenko Cycle, Vol. 22, No. 6B, Page 3099-3106, J. Thermal Science.
44. Ali, H. M., Arshad, A., Jabbal, M. and Verdin, P.G., (2018), Thermal management of electronics devices with PCMs filled pin-fin heat sinks: A comparison, Vol. 117C, Page 1199-1204, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
45. Bashir, M. A., Ali, H. M., Amber, K. P., Bashir, M. W., Ali, H. and Imran, S., (2018), Performance Investigation of Photovoltaic Modules by Back Surface Water Cooling, Vol. 22, 6A, Page 2401-2411, J. Thermal Science.
46. Arshad, A., Ali, H. M., Yan, W-M., Hussein, A. K., and Ahmadlouydarab, M., (2018), An experimental study of enhanced heat sinks for thermal management using n-eicosane as phase change material, Vol. 132, Page 52-66, Applied Thermal Engineering.
47. Akram, M., Moazzam, M. U., Ali, H. M., Ajaz, A. and Saleem, A., Kilic, M., Mobeen, A., (2018), Improved waste heat recovery through surface of kiln using phase change material, Vol. 22, Page 1089-1098, J. Thermal Science.
48. Ali, M., Vukovic, V., Ali, H. M. and Sheikh, M. A. (2018), Performance Analysis of Solar Assisted Desiccant Cooling System Cycles in World Climate Zones, Vol. 140(4), 041009, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation.
49. Ali, H. M., Ashraf, M. J., Giovannelli, A., Hassan, F., Hamid, H. M., Irshad, T. B., Irfan, M. and Arshad, A., (2018), Thermal management of electronics: an experimental optimization of triangular, rectangular and circular pin-fins heat sinks for various PCMs, Vol.123, Page 272-284, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
50. Khan, M. M. A., Ibrahim, N. I., Mahbubul, I. M., Ali, H. M., Saidur, R. and Al-Sulaiman, F. A., (2018), Evaluation of Solar Collectors Designs with Integrated Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage: A Review, Vol. 166,Page 334-350, Solar Energy.
51. Ali, H.M., Babar, H., Shah, T.R., Sajid, M.U., Qasim, M.A. and Javed, S., (2018), Preparation Techniques of TiO2Nanofluids and Challenges: A Review, Vol. 8, 587, Applied Sciences.
52. Saieed, A., Pao, W. and Ali, H.M., (2018), Prediction of phase separation in a T-Junction, Vol. 97, Page 160-179, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.
53. Sajid, M. U. and Ali, H. M. (2018), Thermal conductivity of hybrid nanofluids: A critical review, Vol.126, Page 211-234, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
54. Usman, H., Ali, H. M., Arshad, A., Ashraf, M. J., Khushnood, S., Janjua, M. M. and Kazi, S. N., (2018), An experimental study of PCM based finned and un-finned heat sinks for passive cooling of electronics, Vol. 54, Page 3587-3598, Heat and Mass Transfer.
55. Saieed, A., Pao, W. Hewakandamby, B., Azzopardi, B. J., Wood, D. A. and Ali, H.M., (2018), Experimental investigation on the effect of diameter ratio on two-phase slug flow separation in a T-Junction, Vol. 170, Page 139-150, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
56. Ali, H. M., Ali, H., Ali, M., Imran, S., Kamran, M. S. and Farukh, F., (2018), Effect of Condensate Flow Rate on Retention Angle on Horizontal Low-Finned Tubes, Vol. 22(1B), Page 435-441, J. Thermal Science.
57. Ali, H. M., Arshad, A., Janjua, M. M., Baig, W. and Sajjad, U., (2018), Thermal Performance of LHSU for Electronics under Steady and Transient Operations Modes, Vol. 123, Page 1223-1232, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
58. Rehman, T. U., Ali, H. M., Saieed, A., Pao, W., Ali, M., (2018), Copper foam/PCMs based heat sinks: An experimental study for electronic cooling systems, Vol. 127, Page 381-393, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
59. Qureshi, Z. A., Ali, H. M., Khushnood, S., (2018), Recent advances on thermal conductivity enhancement of phase change materials for energy storage system: A review, Vol. 127, Page 836-856, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
60. Rehman, T. U., Ali, H. M., (2018), Experimental investigation on paraffin wax integrated with copper foam based heat sinks for electronic components thermal cooling, Vol. 98, Page 155-162, International Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer.
61. Ammar, S. M., Abbas, N., Abbas, S., Ali, H. M., Hussain, I., Janjua, M. M., (2019), Experimental investigation of condensation pressure drop of R134a in smooth and grooved multiport flat tubes of automotive heat exchanger, Vol. 130, Page 1087-1095, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
62. Khattak, Z., Ali, H. M., (2019), Air cooled heat sink geometries subjected to forced flow: A critical review, Vol. 130, Page 141-161, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
63. Khan, M. S., Abid, M., Ali, H. M., Amber, K.P., Hussein, A. K., Bashir, M. A. and Javed, S., (2019), Comparative performance assessment of solar dish assisted s-CO2 Brayton cycle using nanofluids, Vol. 148, Page 295-306, Applied Thermal Engineering.
64. Chen, C. A., Lin, T. F., Ali, H. M., Amani, P., and Yan, W-M., (2019), Bubble dynamics in evaporation flow of R-134a in narrow annular ducts due to flow rate oscillation, Vol. 100, Page 27-34, International Communications of Heat and Mass Transfer.
65. Babar, H., Sajid, M. U., and Ali, H. M., (2019), Viscosity of hybrid nanofluids: A critical review, Vol. 23, 3B, Page 1713-1754, J. Thermal Science.
66. Ammar, S. M., Abbas, N., Abbas, S., Ali, H. M., Hussain, I., Janjua, M. M., Sajjad, U., Dahiya, A., (2019), Condensing heat transfer coefficients of R134a in smooth and grooved multiport flat tubes of automotive heat exchanger: An experimental investigation, Vol. 133, Page 366-376, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
67. Sajid, M. U. and Ali, H. M. (2019), Recent advances in application of nanofluids in heat transfer devices: A critical review, Vol.103, Page 556-592, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
68. Sajid, M. U. and Ali, H. M. (2019), Experimental investigation of TiO2–water nanofluid flow and heat transfer inside wavy mini-channel heat sinks, Vol. 123, Page 1279-1294, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
69. Anwar, M., Tariq, H. A., Shoukat, A. A., Ali, H. M. Ali, H., (2020), Numerical study for heat transfer enhancement using cuo-h2o nano-fluids through minichannel heat sinks for microprocessor cooling, Vol. 24, Pages 2965-2976, J. Thermal Science.
70. Rehman, T. U., Ali, H. M., Janjua, M. M., Sajjad, U., Yan, W-M., (2019), A critical review on heat transfer augmentation of phase change materials embedded with porous materials/foams, Vol.135, Page 649-673, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
71. Shah, N. U. H., Arshad, A., Abbas, A., Ali, H. M. and Ali, M., (2019), Thermal Analysis of a Mini Solar Pond of Small Surface Area while extracting Heat from Lower Convective Layer, Vol. 23, 2A, Page 763-776, J. Thermal Science.
72. Chaudhary, G. Q., Ali, M., Ashiq, M., Ali, H. M. and Amber, K. P. (2019), Experimental and model-based performance investigation of a solid desiccant wheel dehumidifier, Vol. 23, 2A, Page 775-988, J. Thermal Science.
73. Abubaker, M., Ali, H. M. Noor, F., Imran, M. and Ambreen, T., (2019), Condensate Retention of Water-Ethanol Mixture on Horizontal Enhanced Condensing Tubes, Vol. 23, Page 3493-3500, J. Thermal Science.
74. Ali, H. M., Abubaker, M. and Ali, H., Ahmed, S., Pao, W., Ahmadlouydarab, M., Koten, H. and Abid, M., (2019), Condensate retention as a function of condensate flow rate on horizontal enhanced pin-fin tubes, Vol. 23, Page 3887-3892, J. Thermal Science.
75. Babar, H. and Ali, H. M., (2019), Towards hybrid nanofluids: Preparation, thermophysical properties, applications, and challenges, Vol. 241, Page 598-633, J. of Molecular Liquids.
76. Ali, H., Kamran, M. S., Ali, H. M., Imran, S., (2019), Condensation Heat transfer enhancement using steam-ethanol mixtures on Horizontal finned tube, Vol. 140, Page 87-95, International Journal of Thermal Sciences
77. Khan, M. S., Amber, K.P., Ali, H. M., Abid, M., Ratlamwala, T. A. H. and Javed, S., (2020), Performance analysis of solar assisted multigenerational system using therminol VP1 based nanofluids: A comparative study, Vol. 24, Page 865-878, J. Thermal Science.
78. Sajjad, U., Amer, M., Ali, H. M., Dahiya, A. and Abbas, N.,(2019), Cost effective cooling of photovoltaic modules to improve efficiency, Vol. 14, 100420, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.
79. Baig, W., Ali, H. M., (2019), An experimental investigation of performance of a double pass solar air heater with foam aluminum thermal storage medium, Vol. 14, 100440, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.
80. Noman, M., Wasim, A., Ali, M., Jahanzaib, M., Hussain, S., Ali, H. M. K. and Ali, H. M, (2019), An investigation of a solar cooker with parabolic trough concentrator, Vol. 14, 100436, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.
81. Shah, T. R., Ali, H. M., (2019), Applications of hybrid nanofluids in solar energy, practical limitations and challenges: A critical review, Vol. 183, Page 173-203, Solar Energy.
82. Khan, A., Ali, H.M., Nazir, R. et al. (2019), Experimental investigation of enhanced heat transfer of a car radiator using ZnO nanoparticles in H2O–ethylene glycol mixture, Vol. 138, Page 3007–3021, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
83. Hussein, A. K, Kolsi, L., Almeshaal, M. A., Li, D., Ali, H. M., Ahmed, I. S., (2019), Mixed convection in a cubical cavity with active lateral walls and filled with hybrid graphene-platinum nanofluid, Vol. 11(4), 041007, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications.
84. Amer, M., Chen, M. R., Sajjad, U., Ali, H. M., Abbas, N., Lu, M. C., Wang, C. C., (2019), Experiments for suitability of plastic heat exchangers for dehumidification applications, Vol. 158, 113827, Applied Thermal Engineering.
85. Wahab, A., Hassan, A., Qasim, M. A., Ali, H. M., Babar, H. and Sajid, M. U., (2019), Solar Energy Systems – Potential of Nanofluids, Vol. 289, 111049, J. of Molecular Liquids.
86. Karthick, K., Suresh, S., Hussain, M. M. M. D., Ali, H. M., Kumar, C. S. S., (2019), Evaluation of solar thermal system configurations for thermoelectric generator applications: A critical review, Vol. 188, Page 111-142, Solar Energy.
87. Hassan, A., Wahab, A., Qasim, M. A., Janjua, M. M., Ali, M. A., Ali, H. M., Jadoon, T. R., Ali, E., Raza, A., Javaid, N., (2020), Thermal Management and Uniform Temperature Regulation of Photovoltaic Modules Using Hybrid Phase Change Materials-Nanofluids System, Vol. 145, Page 282-293, Renewable Energy.
88. Abdelrazek, A. H., Kazi, S. N., Alawi, O. A., Yusoff, N., Oon, C. S. and Ali, H. M., (2020), Heat transfer and pressure drop investigation through pipe with different shapes using different types of nanofluids, Vol. 139, Pages 1637–1653 , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
89. Ambreen, T., Saleem, A., Ali, H. M., Shehzad, S. A., Park, C. W (2019), Performance analysis of hybrid nanofluid in a heat sink equipped with sharp and streamlined micro pin-fins, Vol. 355, Page 552-563, Powder Technology.
90. Bashir, M. A., Geovannelli, A., Ali, H. M., (2019), Design of high-temperature solar receiver integrated with short-term thermal storage for Dish-Micro Gas Turbine systems, Vol. 190, Page 156-166, Solar Energy.
91. Abbas, N., Awan, M. B., Amer, M., Ammar, S. M., Sajjad, U., Ali, H. M., Zahra, N., Hussain, M., Badshah, M. A., Jafry, A. T., (2019), Applications of nanofluids in photovoltaic thermal systems: A review of recent advances, Vol. 536, 122513, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
92. Ali, H. M., (2019), Applications of combined/hybrid use of heat pipe and phase change materials in energy storage and cooling systems: A recent review, Vol. 26, 100986, Journal of Energy Storage.
93. Sajawal, M., Rehman, T. U., Ali, M., Ali, H. M., Sajjad, U., Raza, A. and Bhatti, M. S., (2019), Experimental thermal performance analysis of finned tube-phase change material based double pass solar air heater, Vol. 15, 100543, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.
94. Ahmadloydarab, M., Ebadolahzadeh, M., Ali, H. M., (2019), Effects of utilizing nanofluid as working fluid in a lab-scale designed FPSC to improve thermal absorption and efficiency, Vol. 540, 123109, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
95. Babar, H. and Ali, H. M., (2019), Airfoil shaped pin-fin heat sink: Potential evaluation of ferric oxide and titania nanofluids, Vol. 202, 112194, Energy Conversion and Management.
97. Memon, Z. Q., Pao, W., Hashim, F. M. and Ali, H. M., (2019), Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase Separation in T-Junction with Combined Diameter Ratio, Vol. 73, 103048, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering.
96. Rehman, T. U., Ali, H. M., (2019), Thermal performance analysis of metallic foam-based heat sinks embedded with RT-54HC paraffin: an experimental investigation for electronic cooling, Vol. 140, Page 979–990, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
98. Kilic, M. and Ali, H. M. (2019), Numerical investigation of combined effect of nanofluids and multiple impinging jets on heat transfer, Vol. 23, 5B, Pages 3165-3173, J. Thermal Science.
99. Khan, A., Ali, H. M., (2019), A comprehensive review on pool boiling heat transfer using nanofluids, Vol. 23, 5B, Pages 3209-3237, J. Thermal Science.
100. Jamil, F., Ali, H. M., (2019), Sustainable desalination using portable devices: A concise review, Vol. 194, Page 815-839, Solar Energy.
101. Rehman, T. U., Ali, H. M., (2020), Experimental study on the thermal behavior of RT-35HC paraffin within copper and Iron-Nickel open cell foams: Energy storage for thermal management of electronics, Vol.146, 118852, International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer.
102. Alnaqi, A. A., Hussein, A. K., Kolsi, L., Al-Rasheed, A. A. A. A., Li, D. and Ali, H. M., (2020), Computational study of natural convection and entropy generation in three-dimensional cavity with active lateral walls, Vol. 24, Page 2089-2100, J. Thermal Science.
103. Tariq, S. L., Ali, H. M., Akram, M. A., (2020), Thermal applications of Hybrid Phase Change Materials (HPCMs)- a critical review, Vol. 24, Page 2151-2169, J. Thermal Science.
104. Abbas, F., Ali, H. M., Shah, T. R., Babar, H. Janjua, M. M., Sajjad, U. and Amer, M., (2020), Nanofluid: Potential evaluation in automotive radiator, Vol. 297, 112014, J. of Molecular Liquids.
105. Javed, S., Ali, H. M., Babar, H., Khan, M. S., Janjua, M. M., Bashir, M. A., (2020), Internal convective heat transfer of nanofluids in different flow regimes: A comprehensive review, Vol. 538, 122783, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
106. Badin, G., Ahmad, N., Ali, H. M., (2020), Experimental investigation into the thermal augmentation of pigmented asphalt, Vol. 551, Page 123974, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
107. Ali, H. M., (2020), Recent advancements in PV cooling and efficiency enhancement integrating phase change materials based systems – A comprehensive review, Vol. 197, Page 163-198, Solar Energy.
108. Mani, D., Sivan, S., Ali, H.M. and Ganesan, U. K. (2020), Investigation to Improve the Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics Using Laser-Textured Copper-Grooved Surfaces, Vol. 2020, Article ID 3846157, International Journal of Photoenergy.
109. Tariq, R., Hussain, Y., Sheikh, N. A., Afaq, K. and Ali, H.M. (2020), Regression-Based Empirical Modeling of Thermal Conductivity of CuO-Water Nanofluid using Data-Driven Techniques, Vol. 41, Article No. 43, International Journal of Thermophysics.
110. Khan, M. S., Yan, M., Ali, H. M., Amber, K. P., Bashir, M. A., Javed, S., (2020), Comparative performance assessment of different absorber tube geometries for parabolic trough solar collector using nanofluid, Vol. 142, Page 2227–2241, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
111. Ali, H. M., (2020), In tube convection heat transfer enhancement: SiO2 aqua based nanofluids, Vol. 308, Article ID 113031, J. of Molecular Liquids
112. Tariq, H. A., Anwar, M., Ali, H. M., Ahmed, J., (2020), Effect of dual flow arrangements on the performance of mini‑channel heat sink: numerical study, Vol. 143(3), Page 2011-2027, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
113. Tariq, S. L., Ali, H. M., Akram, M. A., Janjua, M. M., and Ahmadlouydarab, M., (2020), Nanoparticles enhanced Phase Change Materials (NePCMs)-A Recent Review, Vol. 176, 115305, Applied Thermal Engineering.
114. Tariq, H. A., Shoukat, A. A., Anwar, M., Israr, A., and Ali, H. M., (2020), Water cooled micro-hole cellular structure as a heat dissipation media: an experimental and numerical study, Vol. 24, Page 683-692, J. Thermal Science.
115. Muneeshwaran, M., Sajjad, U., Ahmed, T., Amer, M., Ali, H. M., Wang, C-C., (2020), Performance improvement of photovoltaic modules via temperature homogeneity improvement, Vol. 203, 117816, Energy.
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1. Ali, H. M., (2020). Hybrid Nanofluids for Convection Heat Transfer, 1st Ed. (pp. 1-300). Academic Press, Elsevier. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1546-4
2. Li, C., & Ali, H. M. (2020). Enhanced Heat Transfer Mechanism of Nanofluid MQL Cooling Grinding (pp. 1-350). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1546-4
3. Ali, H. M., Jamil, F., Babar, H., (2021). Thermal Energy Storage, (pp. 1-117). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-1131-5
4. Harikrishnan, S., Dhass, A. D., Ali, H. M., (2022). Thermal Performance of Nanofluids in Miniature Heat Sinks with Conduits, (pp. 1-97). Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7845-5
5. Ali, H. M., (2022). Titanium Dioxide - Advances and Applications, 1st Ed. (pp. 1-244). IntechOpen. ISBN: 978-1-83969-476-9